
From 1975 to 1977 the technical education at the baccalaureate level within the Ministry of Education and Culture (Depdikbud) was the State Academy of Technology (ATN). These academies are located in various cities in Indonesia. In accordance with the government’s policy at that time, education after secondary education must be provided by universities, in this case universities/institutes (SK. Mendikbud No. 043/U/1975 concerning the formation of PAT). Based on this, the existing ATN is phased out in stages (“phase out”), to be further merged (“phase in”) into the University.

Several ATNs in Yogyakarta and its surroundings, namely Magelang, Purworejo, Klaten, are in “phase in” to the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FT UGM) to become Technical Expert Education (PAT). PAT FT UGM was officially opened on September 5, 1977.

Furthermore, based on Government Regulation no. 27 of 81 concerning Faculty Arrangements at the University and PP No. 53 of 1982 concerning the Organizational Structure of Gadjah Mada University, PAT, which was originally at the UGM Faculty of Engineering, was developed into a separate faculty within UGM under the name of the Faculty of Non-Degree Technology (FNT), and officially FNT UGM was declared established in early June 1983. In the beginning, FNT provided education for three majors, namely: Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Civil Engineering. Then in 1989 the Department of Library Technology was opened.

In 1989 the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia ratified the Law on the National Education System (UUSPN), known as Law no. 2 of 1989, which was followed by the issuance of Government Regulation No. 30 of 1990 (PP No. 30 of 1990) dated July 10, 1990 concerning Higher Education, in order to implement the provisions of Articles 16 to 22 of Law no. 2 of 1989.

Following up on the above regulation is the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 0312/0/1991 dated June 6, 1991 regulates the closure and integration of Non-Degree Faculties within the University and Institute. In the attachment to the decree, it is stipulated that the appropriate Departments at FNT are integrated into the appropriate Departments at the Faculty of Engineering. The decree stated that the implementation of the provisions was regulated by the Chancellor of each university.

In order to implement the above integration provisions, the Chancellor of Gadjah Mada University issued the UGM Chancellor’s Decree No. UGM/2/119/UM/01/37 dated December 31, 1991 which stipulates, among other things, that the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering regulates everything related to the integration process. The transition period is set until the end of the 1991/1992 academic year. During this transition period, the Dean of FNT was appointed as the Diploma Program Coordinator.

Based on the Rector’s Decree No. UGM/2/119/UM/01/37 an Implementing Team for Preparation for Integration of the Faculty of Non-Technology was formed into the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada with the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering No. UGM/TK/06/UM/01/39 dated January 25, 1992. The team consisted of elements from related Department Management from FT UGM and ex-FNT UGM. Besides that, the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UGM No. UGM/TK/07/UM/01/37 regarding the Implementation Team for the Diploma Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada during the Transitional Period.

The Implementation Team for Integration Preparation in its work establishes a schedule and forms:

  1. The core team, determine the pattern of team work and determine the problems that need to be discussed.
  2. Work team which consists of 3 groups to discuss academic, general administration, finance and student affairs.
  3. Department Work Team, which consists of 3 groups, namely for the Departments: T. Electrical, T. Mechanical, T. Civil to discuss and determine input from each group of majors on the results of the team’s work above. From the results of the work of the group work team and the department’s work team, the core team determined the policy for implementing the integration of FNT into FT UGM. The formulation of this core team was brought to the Plenary Meeting of the Integration Implementation Team to get feedback and endorsement.

To arrive at the results of the team’s formulation and completion of the report, meetings have been held by group work teams 1 to 3 times, department work teams 1 time, core team six times and team plenary meetings 2 times. After that, the results of the team’s formulation were brought to the Working Meeting of the Faculty of Engineering for approval and approval on April 16, 1992. It will then be submitted to the Senate meeting of the Faculty of Engineering on May 9, 1992 for approval.

Initial Conditions of the Diploma Program at the Time of Integration

After the issuance of the UGM Chancellor’s Decree No. UGM/2/119/UM/01/37 and the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering No. UGM/TK/07/UM/01/39 practically does not exist and instead is the Diploma Program of the Faculty of Engineering UGM. Because the integration of ex-FNT into FT UGM was carried out in stages, during the transition period which was valid until the end of July 1992, the Diploma Program was managed by the Implementing Team for the Transitional Diploma Study Program. This team is led by a Coordinator who is responsible to the Dean of FT UGM.

The situation during the transition period of the Diploma Program is :

A. Existing Study Programs

The existing study programs at that time were:

  1. Electrical Engineering Diploma Study Program
  2. Mechanical Engineering Diploma Study Program
  3. Civil Engineering Diploma Study Program
  4. Library Technology Diploma Study Program which should be integrated into the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM Department of Communication Studies (Diploma II Program). However, because the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences is not ready to accept it, the Faculty of Engineering will carry out the completion (“phase out”). There are only 2 batches of this program and the last batch of this semester is just following the final part of the lecture.

B. Teaching staff and laboratory

The total number of permanent staff is 27 teaching staff and 12 laboratory or technicians, with details as follows

Diploma Study Program Teacher Laboratory
Electrical Engineering 5 3***)
Mechanical Engineering 9*) 5
Civil Engineering 13**) 1***)
Library Technology 0 0
Amount 27 12

Notes: *) 2 people following the master’s program at ITB

**) 2 people joined the Masters program at ITB

2 orang mengikuti program S2 di UGM

1 person is back from courses in Austria

***) 1 honorary staff

The number of students at that time was 342 people, so the ratio of lecturers: students = 1: 27 or in real 1: 43

C. Administration staff

The total number of administrative employees, permanent staff is 29 people, temporary staff is 15 people, with details as follows :

Subsection FNT 4 Majors PSD. TS
Permanent Officer Honorary Staff Permanent Officer Honorary Staff
General Subsection

Academic Sub Division

Sub Division of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations

Sub Finance













Amount 29 13 + 2 *) 9 15

Catatan: *) 2 honorary staff as laboratory assistants

D. Laboratory/Workshop

The Diploma Program has 2 laboratories that are shared, namely: Computer Lab and Image Lab.

Each Diploma Study Program has a Laboratory according to its major.

E. Target

The target to be achieved is the implementation of the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0312/0/1991 dated June 6, 1991 as stated.

F. Organizational Structure and Management

The organizational structure of the Diploma Study Program (Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering) is joined by the UGM Faculty of Engineering.

Each Diploma Study Program will be led by a Head of the Diploma Study Program who is responsible to the Head of the relevant Department. Each Diploma Study Program has Academic Administration Affairs and Personnel Finance which are the tasks of the Study Program.

Transition from Faculty to Vocational School UGM

The UGM Vocational School was formed through the UGM Chancellor’s Regulation No. 518 of 2008 concerning Vocational Schools. The Vocational School was formed to accommodate diploma programs within UGM which are spread across each faculty into one integrated institution. The UGM Vocational School occupies a campus in the Sekip block which is planned to be an integrated campus. At the time of its establishment, several study programs already occupied the campus, several other study programs followed to be moved from their main faculty.

In the formation of the Vocational School, 23 diploma programs have been incorporated, namely:

1 D3 Animal Health 13 D3 Accounting
2 D3 Forest Management 14 D3 Management
3 D3 Computer and System Information 15 D3 Applied Economics
4 D3 Medical Records 16 D3 Archives
5 D3 Electrical and Instrumentation 17 D3 Tourism
6 D3 Electrical Engineering 18 D3 English
7 D3 Mechanical Engineering 19 D3 French
8 D3 Civil Engineering 20 D3 Japanese
9 D3 Geomatics Engineering 21 D3 Mandarin
10 D3 Agroindustry 22 D3 Korean
11 D3 GIS and Remote Sensing 23 D3 Law
12 D4 Midwife Educator

During its development, several study programs were successfully opened, namely:

  1. D3 Metrology and Instrumentation
  2. D4 Network Technology
  3. D4 Infrastructure Management and Maintenance Engineering
  4. D4 Heavy Equipment Management and Maintenance Teknik