Competence of Graduates

Graduate Profile Ability Description
Engineering Staff Assisting the implementation of the work (according to the technical design)
Project Engineer Able to carry out and coordinate the implementation of projects involving planners and supervisors
Inspection Support Engineer Assist the inspection engineer in carrying out inspection work, condition assessment, structural feasibility and civil building maintenance planning
Operation and Maintenance Engineer Help carry out the work of operation, maintenance and repair of damage to civil buildings
Asset Technical staff Able to assist the implementation of physical procurement work, assisting coordination between resources (human, equipment and materials), supervising the implementation of K3L and compiling reports on the management of civil buildings
BIM Modeler Able to create BIM models, and vice versa extract BIM models into quantity
BIM Facilitator Able to help other professionals (who do not master BIM) to visualize information into a BIM model

Career path after 3-5 years Ability Description
Design Support Engineer Able to coordinate the implementation of work (according to technical design), professional services and project administration involving owners, planners, supervisors and implementers
Project Engineer Able to carry out and coordinate the implementation of projects involving planners and supervisors
Project Manager Able to lead and manage project implementation that involves planners and supervisors and is accountable to the project owner
Inspection Engineer Able to carry out inspection work, condition assessment, structural feasibility and civil building maintenance planning
Operation and Maintenance Manager Able to carry out the work of operation, maintenance and repair of damage to civil buildings
Technical Asset Manager able to carry out physical procurement work, general coordination between resources (human, equipment and materials), manage and run K3L and compile reports on civil building management
BIM Manager Able to coordinate the BIM team in producing DNA using the BIM model

Graduate Profile Key words description of ability profile of graduates and career path 3-5 years after work CP Curriculum 2013 Outcomes by ASCE, ABET, IAS
Engineering Staff, Design Support Engineer Execution of work according to technical design Civil engineering project planning (PP 2b) Design
Project Engineer, Project Manager Project management Supervision and control of construction projects (KK 4a) Project management
Inspection Support Engineer, Inspection Engineer Carrying out inspections, condition assessments, structural feasibility, civil building maintenance planning Problem solving problems in the management and maintenance of civil infrastructure (KK 4e) Inspection, monitoring and diagnostics
Operation and Maintenance Engineer, OM Manager Implementation of operation, maintenance and repair of damage to civil buildings Problem solving problems in the management and maintenance of civil infrastructure (KK 4e) Structural materials, deterioration mechanisms, repairs, and reinforcement
Asset Technical Staff, Asset Technical Manager Physical procurement work, general K3L coordination, and civil building management Implementing tasks in the planning, maintenance and repair of civil infrastructure by paying attention to occupational safety and health
BIM Modeler, BIM Facilitator, BIM Manager Production and coordination of the use of BIM ICT for Asset Management