Mahasiswa DTS UGM Raih Juara 3 Desain Inovasi Bangunan Air di ITB

But how do you know if a child is prepared to start the process of learning literacy?Unfortunately, we cannot give a concrete answer to this question, since there is no precise profile that guarantees that you are fully prepared to learn to read or write, however, multiple investigations (visit homepage to see this) indicate that you begin to have the appropriate skills around 6 years of chronological age, as long as the child has developed in an environment enriched with stimuli. In relation to this, we must take into account that each person has their own pace of maturation and development, so it is likely that there are not, at the same time in two different people, the conditions necessary to successfully face the learning of reading and the writing. This can be a difficulty in the school environment because it is possible that not all children in the same course are prepared to carry out such learning at the same level. In this sense, we could use early education or early childhood education, since it empowers and develops many skills in children, preparing them to learn tools such as literacy. This aspect of education is called sizing. Consists of preparatory exercises for literacy, and it is essential since it is a period that may acquire certain skills that will be needed to learn to read and write in a fluid and successful process.

Estu Wijayanti, Velga Aprillia, dan Isnan Nashrullah, Mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Sipil, Sekolah Vokasi UGM, meraih Juara 3 Kompetisi Desain Bangunan Air/Design Innovation Project yang diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Sumber Daya Air di ITB, Bandung.

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