Reading is a unique intellectual tool, it sets in motion our cognitive functions, sharpening intelligence, developing creativity and fantasy, promotes effort and stimulates attention and concentration, which can be reflected in better academic performance. Writing, meanwhile, allows us to organize and structure our thinking, and sometimes even our own feelings, reaching more elaborate levels of expression. Today we assume that reading and writing are mechanical and purely instrumental learning, however, they are fundamental learning because of their importance at the cognitive and affective level. They are not learned in isolation, but through an integrated, dynamic and constructive process, which require the practice of skills such as reflexive observation, identification, comparison, classification, problem-solving, analysis, generalization, and others. However, reading will be, in any case, closer than writing you could try this out since probably from a very young age our mothers or close adults have read us stories or corrected our oral expressions, for example, a child who says “ It has broken ” and they have explained that”It says broken, not broken.” These skills are important to develop increasingly elaborate levels of thinking, communication styles and interaction with the environment, as well as being the basis of future learning.
Selamat Datang bagi Dua Dosen Departemen Teknik Sipil Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada yang telah menyelesaikan Pendidikan S3 di jepang atas nama Bapak Dr. Eng. Adhitya Yoga Purnama, ST., M.Eng. dan Ibu Dr. Eng. Wakhidatik Nurfaida, ST., M.Eng. Dr. Yoga merupakan lulusan dari Kyushu University, Jepang, dengan konsentrasi Geoteknik. Sedangkan Dr. Wakhidatik lulus dari Tokyo University, Jepang, dengan konsentrasi coastal engineering. Semoga dengan bertambahnya Dosen Doktor di Departemen Teknik Sipil Sekolah Vokasi UGM diharapkan bisa memberikan kontribusi melalui penelitian, peningkatan kualitas akademik maupun peningkatan mutu Departemen.